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Staff and Governors

Come and meet the staff at our school!

2024 - 2025


Mrs Victoria Bailey
Head Teacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Krystal Perry
Business Manager


Mr Matt Phelan
PE Lead
Behaviour Lead



Mrs Rebecca Boswell
Reception Class Teacher

Miss Lucy Wren
KS1 Class Teacher

Mrs Felicity Meehan
Years 3 and 4 Teacher

Mrs Lisa Willoughby
KS2 Lead
Years 5 and 6 Teacher

Ms Michelle McKiernan
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
After School Club Lead

Mrs Kat Norman
Teaching Assistant
Before School Club Lead

Mrs Miranda Spooner
Teaching Assistant

Miss Claire Sturman
Teaching Assistant

Mr James Rinaldi
Teaching Assistaner







Mrs Laura Carpenter
Pre-school Leader

Mrs Suzanne Sharpe
Pre -school Assistant

Employee Salary Information

(earning over £100k per annum)

  • Schools are required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £100,000 per annum.
  • All staff employed directly by the school are paid in accordance with the school Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms and Conditions (support staff)
  • No employee earns over £100,000 per annum

Governors 2024 - 2025

Message from the Chair of Governors - 

I welcome you to Pinchmill Primary School. We are a happy, nurturing and positive school and our key objective is to ensure that our pupils enjoy their time with us and are properly supported to reach their full potential.

Our governing body is committed to working with the Head Teacher and her Team to continually improve Pinchmill’s high standard of education by:

  • Setting the school's strategic direction, aims, vision, priorities and ethos and ensuring it meets its statutory responsibilities.
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance and providing strong support and constructive challenge to the Head Teacher and her team.
  • Ensuring financial probity and that the premises are well managed.
  • Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs.

The staff and governors, work in close partnership to ensure we are constantly improving the education and wider experience that our school provides and actively communicating our efforts. 

Paul Harris
Chair of Governors


Meet our Governors

Mrs Victoria Bailey
Head Teacher

Mr Paul Harris
Chair Parent Governor

Mr Rob Armour

Mrs Libby Caulfield
 EYFS Governor

Mr Craig Robinson
Parent Governor

Mrs Rachel Mellor
Parent / SEND Governor



Mrs Jo Green



Mrs Melanie Smith


Mrs Krystal Perry



What is a Governing Body and what do we do?

The general idea behind a Governing Body is about overseeing the success of the school and working in partnership with the Head and Teachers to agree priorities and monitor progress towards them. Pinchmill Primary School's Governing Body is there to provide constructive support and challenge to the Head and Teachers to enable them to do their job to the best of their ability.

Pinchmill Primary School's Governing Body works as a decision making body with corporate responsibility to work in the best interest of the school.

Pinchmill Primary Schools Governing Body is comprised of 9 Governors who all play differing roles. Our aim is to have a balanced group with diversity in gender, age, experience and skill sets to ensure our support can be as effective as possible to the Head and Teachers.

Who is represented on the Governing Body?

  • Parents who are elected by other parents who have children attending the school.
  • Staff including the Head Teacher, Teachers who are elected by other teachers and non-teaching Staff at the school.
  • LA Representative who is appointed by the Local Authority.
  • Co-opted Governors who can offer advice and support to the school.

Being a school governor is a good way to be involved in the life and development of a school.

Who can become a Governor?

Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. There are no particular qualifications or requirements, other than willingness to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. Time commitments can vary but there are 6 Full Governing Body meetings throughout the year that all Governors attend. There are sub-committees focusing on Finance, Property and the Curriculum that also meet regularly throughout the year.

Governor Information 2024 - 2025

Name Position Date of Appointment Date of Resignation Term of Office Type of Governor Business Interest Declared 2023 Code of Conduct Signed
Paul Harris


Vice Chair 2020 - 2023

FP+P Committee

Sept 2023

Nov 2020 

  4 Years  Parent None Y
Victoria Bailey Head Teacher 16/09/2017   N/A Staff None Y
Mr Rob Armour



Sept 24


  4 Years TBC None  Y
Mrs Libby Caulfield  Curriculum Governor - EYFS Governor September 22   4 Years Parent None Y
Mrs Jo Green Governor September 24   4 Years TBC None  Y
Mrs Melanie Smith Governor September 24   4 Years  TBC None Y
Krystal Perry Clerk 01/01/2012   N/A Clerk None Y
Matt Phelan Staff 05/05/2024   N/A Staff None Y

Statement of other interests -

  • There are no other declaration of interests to declare at this time, including those of a Governance or Personal interest.
Governors Meetings dates and attendance September 2024 - July 2025
Pay Committee




Paul Harris        
Victoria Bailey        
Rachel Mellor        
Craig Robinson        
Matt Phelan        
Libby Caulfield        
Rob Armour        
Jo Green        
Melanie Smith        
Krystal Perry         
Julia Newnam         


P - Present

A - Absence

Governor contact Information

Please email and mark for the attention of Mr Paul Harris Chair of Governors

To contact the Clerk please email -